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Dec 2024: Congratulations to Zhengliang, Xinyi and Junrui for their outstanding presentations @ IEDM 2024!

Congratulations to Rafael for getting his conference paper "A Hybrid Physical ASM-HEMT Model Using a Neural Network-Based Methodology," accepted to IEEE BCICTS

Aug 2024: Check out a Nature Communications interview with Prof. Chowdhury, Nish Sinha, and Kelly Woo: "The evolving experience of academic women in engineering"

May 2024: Congratulations to Maliha Noshin for a successful defense!

May 2024: Congratulations to Rafael Perez Martinez for a successful defense!

Semiconductors are “the new oil of the world,” says Srabanti Chowdhury, an associate professor of electrical engineering at Stanford.

Click here for more details.

Congratulations to Rafael for getting a paper accepted to IEEE TMTT!

Feb 2024: Congratulations to Kelly Woo for a successful defense!

Dec 2023: Congratulations to Kelly and Mohamadali for their IEDM presentation on "Interlayer Engineering to Achieve <1 m2K/GW Thermal Boundary Resistances to Diamond for Effective Device Cooling" and feature in Nature News and Views: "Well-matched vibrations cool electronic hot spots"

Dec 2023: Congratulations to Zhengliang Bian for presenting at IEDM on : "Demonstration of Millimeter-Wave GaN IMPATT Oscillator at Ka-band"!

Click here for more details.

Oct 2023: Kelly Woo (PhD candidate) and Mohamadali Malakoutian (postdoc scholar) win DOE Energy Frontiers Research Center Lightning Talk Challenge

Click here to learn more.

Sep 2023: The 2023 Technical Excellence Award winner is Prof. Srabanti Chowdhury of Stanford University. Congratulations! 

Click here for more details.

Sep 2023: Congratulations to Dr. Mohamadali Malakoutian for being awarded the TECHCON 2023 Top 10 Best Student Presenter Award.

June 2023

May 2023: Congratulations to Seungbin Jeong for a successful defense!

May 2023: Congrats to Maliha for getting a paper accepted to IEEE EDL.

March 2022: Congrats to Rafael for having two papers accepted to IEEE TED and IEEE RFIC.

March 2023: Congrats to Seungbin for having a paper accepted to IEEE EDL!

Nov 2022: Congratulations to Rohith and Mohamadali for having their paper accepted to the IEEE International Electron Device Meeting. This work was also selected as one of the highlights of the conference. Read more in IEEE Spectrum

Sep 2022: Congratulations to Mohamadali for obtaining a "Top 10 Student Presenter Award" at SRC TECHCON 2022!

Sep 2022: We report in Adv. Functional Materials a high-quality 400 °C-diamond with an average grain size of 650 nm and a thickness of 790 nm corresponding to an anisotropy ratio of 1.21.

Diamond is mostly grown at high temperatures (700–1000 °C), which limits its integration with many semiconductor technologies. Here, a high-quality 400 °C-diamond by modifying the gas chemistry at different nucleation stages, with a sharp sp3 Raman peak (FWHM≈6.5 cm−1) and high phase purity (97.1%), similar to 700 °C-diamond (>98%) is demonstrated. An average grain size of 650 nm with a thickness of 790 nm corresponding to an anisotropy ratio of 1.21 at 400 °C close to the best-reported of 1.12 at 700 °C is achieved. Congrats Mohamad and team!

Sep 2022: We report the first "Vertical Ga2O3 MOSFET With Magnesium Diffused Current Blocking Layer" in IEEE EDL.

We report two novel findings - first, a selective diffusion doping technique utilizing magnesium (Mg) doping spin-on-glass (SOG) as a dopant source to form a current blocking layer (CBL), and second, the first demonstration of a vertical Ga2O3 MOSFET with the Mg diffused CBL- Vertical Diffused Barrier Field-Effect Transistor (VDBFET). Congrats to Ke and the rest of the WBG Lab!


Apr 2022: Our paper on 2.8kV avalanche in GaN vertical PND is featured on the cover of the IEEE EDL April 2022 issue.

In this work, “2.8 kV Avalanche in Vertical GaN PN Diode Utilizing Field Plate on Hydrogen Passivated P-Layer”, a novel planar edge termination method is proposed and demonstrated. This method gives a vertical GaN PND the best performance with the lowest cost. Congrats Zhengliang and Ke!

Feb 2022: Congrats to Xinyi for being featured in IEEE TCVLSI Volume 8!

Says Prof. Srabanti Chowdhury who nominated Xinyi: “Xinyi joined the WBG-lab at Stanford and is currently in her 2nd year of her Ph.D. in electrical engineering. Her level of commitment to learning about the nitty-gritty of devices and contributing to solution-driven engineering is exemplary. She picked up a rather complicated, about 15-mask layer, device process and nailed it on her first try. Very gracious and always positive, Xinyi is a champ in our group. Very proud to be her Ph.D. advisor and can't wait to see her reach new heights!

Dec 2021: Congratulations Kelly for obtaining the Best Oral Presentation at the MRS 2021 Fall Meeting and Exhibit!